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Last Virgin in Vegas

  Last Virgin in Vegas

  A Starving Artist Book

  Tina Holland

  Published 2007

  ISBN 1-59578-275-3

  Published by Liquid Silver Books, imprint of Atlantic Bridge Publishing, 10509 Sedgegrass Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana 46235. Copyright © 2007, Tina Holland. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Manufactured in the United States of America

  Liquid Silver Books



  Corina Calsing

  Cover Artist

  April Martinez

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.


  Lance lay back, enjoying the view of Sydney, his lover of the last five years, and Gwen, her best friend. They knelt on either side of him, lips touching as they caressed each other’s breasts. GOD, Gwen had marvelous breasts. The twin orbs were round and firm and Lance wished he were fondling them. Her nipples, a light mocha color, contrasted nicely with her fiery red hair. He never thought his sexual fantasies would come true in a hotel room, let alone the honeymoon suite of one of Miami’s premier hotels. He never could’ve predicted what Sydney had in store.

  He continued watching in earnest, enjoying the scene playing out before him, patiently waited his turn. Sydney reached down and caressed his shaft, and the glide of her silky fingers was almost his undoing.

  Gwen leaned over and kissed him, and her lips tasted of the cherries she’d eaten earlier at the bar. She had sucked each one into her luscious mouth, and then tied the stems into knots with her magical tongue. His cock bucked in response to the memory. Now her tongue probed his mouth, driving him mad. He ran his fingers through her soft, strawberry-colored hair. He loved strawberries, especially in chocolate. A chain reaction formed in his mind, and he pulled away to suck on her mocha nipple. As if anticipating his needs, Gwen shifted her weight to one arm and leaned in to accept Sydney’s kiss. Lance took the dusky tip into his watering mouth. He suckled on it until the bud hardened between his lips. He grazed the nipple with his teeth. He hadn’t anticipated his reaction. He knew he would enjoy it, but to be overwhelmed by this beautiful stranger was beyond comprehension.

  His mind vaguely registered Sydney riding him, but was intently focused on Gwen at the moment. On her scent, her taste, the absolute satin of her breast. He felt a pulsing around his cock, then Sydney collapsed onto his chest. She looked beautiful, but he was far from ready to release.

  Gwen looked at Sydney with a grin. “Are you done, sweetie?”

  Sydney rolled off him, her alabaster skin glowing against the salmon-pink sheets. “Yep, he’s all yours”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m off to the shower.” Sydney rose from the four-poster bed and padded across the lush carpet floor. She turned to look at him; if he wasn’t mistaken, his girl was still turned on. Sydney simply blew a kiss at him before closing the door.

  He shifted his attention back to Gwen. She was Sydney’s exact opposite. Where Sydney was short, Gwen was tall. Sydney was reserved. Gwen was open, sharing everything, with a no-holds-barred attitude. She had no qualms about who she was or where she came from. It was an attractive quality.

  Lance heard the shower and had a hard time envisioning Sydney’s naked form beneath the spray. He was too engrossed by his present lover, anticipating what this Amazon would do to him. His gaze dropped from her emerald eyes to her breasts. Then his eyes roved lower to the chestnut curls beneath her smooth stomach.

  “While the cat’s away…” Gwen trailed her fingers along his chest.

  “I think you may be the cat in this particular scenario,” he spoke thickly.

  “Well, let’s find out, tiger.” Gwen bent forward, pressing her breasts against his chest. Her nipples stroked his skin. Lance swore they marked his flesh; he felt the rock-like points acutely. Her lips pressed against his.

  “Hmm,” she pulled away, “just like candy.”

  Gwen trailed her tongue along his neck and down, circling his nipples before biting them to hardness.

  He groaned.

  “Too much for you?” she teased.

  “Of course not,” he breathed raggedly.

  Gwen smiled and continued her exploration of his body.

  As her head dipped toward his groin, Lance inhaled sharply. Would she? He hoped so; it was the one thing Sydney rarely did. When Gwen’s lips wrapped around his erect rod, Lance had to fight for control. Her tongue swirled around like a twister before it reached the tip, which she sucked. Hard.

  “Gwen, I can’t.” He was on the edge.

  She gave him the okay signal with her hand and nodded.

  Lance threw his head back into the pillows and thrust his hips aggressively into her sweet mouth. Abandoning himself to pleasure, he cried out.

  Gwen pulled herself up along the length of his body to rest beside him, grinning like a satisfied cat.

  “Sorry,” he said, astonished by this impulsive woman and the response she’d elicited.

  “It’s fine.” She ran her fingers up and down his drained form.

  “No, it’s not.” His voice was unyielding, absolute. He rose to his elbow, facing her, and then moved his other arm beneath to support her. She would need it for what he had in mind. Lance lifted her chin and kissed her lips. He moved his hand down her neck to her breasts, lifted them, enjoying their texture and weight. Lance continued along the path of pleasure, skimming over her stomach and exploring lower. He ran his hand through her dark red curls. “Lovely.”

  “Hmm,” Gwen moaned, opening her legs wider.

  Lance cupped her mound while dipping his index finger into her wet pussy.

  Gwen gasped.

  “I bet you taste sweet down here, too.” he whispered between kisses.

  She didn’t answer, instead moving to meet his hand in response.

  Lance eased another finger in.

  Gwen clutched his shoulders.

  He rubbed the pad of his thumb over her hard clit.

  She squeaked.

  “You like that?”

  “Oh, yes,” she panted.

  Lance dipped his fingers in and out of her tender flesh, occasionally bringing his thumb to meet them, her natural lubricant allowing it to slide with ease over her aroused nub.

  He continued kissing her, delving his tongue in and out her mouth in time with his stirring manipulations. He was hard again, but wanted to feel her orgasm.

  Gwen hands wrapped around his neck, her fingers gripping his hair tightly. She moved her hips to meet his fingers, and he could feel her getting closer and closer as she pushed up against his hand. “Ohhhhh,” she cried.

  Lance held tight as she came on his fingers and quivered in his arms. He slowed his rhythm until she relaxed in his arms. He’d never felt so in control or needed by someone.

  “Wow.” She looked up at him, her eyes slightly glazed.

  “No kidding.” Lance moved to mount her. His delayed gratification was intolerable, and it was something he meant to remedy immediately.

  “I’m glad to see you two are enjoying yourselves,” a voice chimed in behind them.

  They looked at Sydney in bewilderment and he realized the moment was lost.

  Sydney smiled openly at both. Lance’s heart sank as his sense of loyalty came forward. Ho
w could he have forgotten about her? It didn’t matter that he lusted after Gwen; his heart should belong to Sydney.

  “Hey, babe.” He got up from the bed and kissed Sydney as he passed. “I guess I’m in line next.” Lance mentally planned a cold shower, but when he looked over his shoulder at Gwen, his ardor did not cool; if anything, it became far worse.

  Lance entered the cold, gray tiled bathroom. It was so sterile, sharply contrasting with the warm sensual colors of the room he had just left, a room whose light green walls, red, decadent furniture and coral sheets seemed to mimic the very woman with whom he’d been intimate. The moment he met Gwen, Lance knew the striking redhead was different. She laughed easily, smiled freely and touched openly. Remembering her touch, his cock hardened. Lance took a deep breath and stepped under the spray of cold water.

  Chapter One

  Passionate Prose Convention

  St. Louis, Missouri

  One year later

  Good for nothing bastard! How could he treat Sydney this way?

  Gwen fumed, pacing the floor of the spacious hotel suite. She was wearing a pattern in the carpet with her back and forth between the phone and the door. Lance-a-not had decided to be a big no-show. Luckily, Syd was out with some fellow writers at a local jazz club. Hopefully her friend could forget the insensitive jackass masquerading as a man.

  Gwen tried to remember what she had seen in him. Oh yeah…his marine-blue eyes, the ebony hair falling over his brow, his sculpted arms and a chest that made her hands itch to feather across it. In her memory, his arms were powerful, his entire frame screaming linebacker.

  Gwen felt herself grow damp with anticipation and admitted her own disappointment over his last-minute cancellation. She should be relieved. She didn’t want to watch Lance and Sydney moon over each other, not when she lusted after what she couldn’t have.

  She leaned against the wall and crossed her arms, staring out the French doors into the night sky. Lance hadn’t come, and it was for the best. He was a difficult man to ignore. It was a crime to fall for a man who belonged to your best friend, but if he’d been single, she would have pursued him…maybe even ruthlessly.

  She’d been unable to stop herself when Sydney propositioned her a year ago with the temptation of joining the two in the bedroom. Lance and Sydney had dated for years, but something about him made Gwen want him for herself. She knew her passion was teetering on the edge of something more, and it wasn’t something she could explain easily. She also knew it wasn’t worth her friendship with Syd. After the ménage a trios, she had left without delay, flying back to Minneapolis, hiding from the lust and guilt, which surfaced far too easily. The memories of their love play were embedded in her mind.

  A knock on the door interrupted her musings. Sydney must have forgotten her key—it was too late to be anyone else. But when Gwen opened the door, it was to find her unwanted obsession in the hall.


  Lance stared, the champagne bottle he’d brought as a peace offering dangling from one hand. He hadn’t expected to find Gwen in Sydney’s room. His eyes raked over her, almost of their own volition.

  She wore a long emerald nightgown with skinny straps cut in a deep V with lace barely covering her voluptuous curves. Her beauty was irresistible. The negligee complimented her eyes and cut clear to her hip on one side. Lance ached, wondering if she wore anything underneath.

  He found his voice. “What are you doing here?”

  “What am I doing here? You called and canceled.”

  “I had a change of heart.”

  “After you broke Syd’s? Isn’t that convenient.”

  God, she was sexy when she was angry. “That still doesn’t explain what you’re doing in her room.”

  “Doesn’t it? I moved into her room this morning.”

  “Hoping to get lucky?” he goaded, wanting to see fire flash through her eyes. It was masochistic, but he needed it on a level he didn’t quite understand.

  “Don’t be crude. Our relationship isn’t like that.”

  “What about last year?” Lance was getting hard just thinking about Gwen’s lips around his cock.

  “That was different, and you know it.”


  “It was a one-time thing.”

  “So sad.” Lance lowered his head. Gwen didn’t need to see the relief in his eyes. He suspected he wasn’t everything Sydney wanted, but the idea she and Gwen might share the same sexual tastes wasn’t appealing. More than once he’d thought that if the two friends decided to bed down, he would end up alone.

  “Arrogant ass,” Gwen said clearly as she walked away. She leaned back on the arm of a nearby brown sofa; unaware that the action lifted the slit of her nightgown higher, revealing she wore nothing beneath it.

  “Where is Sydney?”


  “For how long?”

  “Not sure. She could return at any moment.”

  Lance needed to get the man downstairs under control. His attraction to Gwen was intimidating. The reason he felt such overwhelming lust towards a woman he’d not seen in a year unnerved him. “Well, I’m waiting for Syd, so what do you propose we do?” Lance asked.

  “How ‘bout a movie?”

  “Perfect.” Maybe she’d change to go out; maybe she’d change in front of him. Yeah, it was a pure dude response, but one he couldn’t really squelch. He’d seen her naked, and wanted to see her again.

  “I paid for Casablanca.”

  “Oh.” He couldn’t help but sound disappointed.

  “I think there’s some popcorn in the cupboard next to the fridge.” Gwen pushed away from the chair and walked to the mini-bar. As she walked by him, Lance craned his neck to see if he could catch a glimpse of anything beyond her luscious thigh.

  “Okay.” He sighed heavily. He took off his jacket, resigning himself to an evening of a movie and popcorn. It was probably just as well; he wouldn’t want to explain things to Sydney when she arrived. Gwen stood waiting for the popcorn to finish popping, drumming her fingers against the counter. Lance’s cock ached to feel those digits wrapped around his cock. He settled on the sofa, ran his fingers through his hair and exhaled the breath he held.

  Gwen strolled leisurely towards him, her hips swaying, before sliding next to him on the couch. She handed him the bowl, and he used it to cover his erection. The television lit up with a movie title: Cock in Bianca. Lance couldn’t help it; he laughed uproariously.

  Gwen's cheeks matched her hair, "Oh, my God." She stared.

  "So this is what you do in your spare time,” he teased.

  "No!” Gwen faced him. “I don't know how this happened."

  "I think you’re trying to provoke me." He shifted to get more comfortable.

  "To do what?" Gwen challenged him and with it he found himself reacting on his most base needs. It was something he’d sworn he would never do, after that night a year ago. Lance accepted that his mind was no longer in control and he gave into his red-haired siren.

  "This." He lifted her stubborn chin upwards, and bent low to kiss her.


  Gwen’s shock held her for a second. Lance was kissing her. Oh, God. His tongue plunged into her waiting mouth. She should stop him but didn’t want to. At the moment, she didn’t care if he belonged to Sydney. She desperately needed more of him. She had since the night she’d tasted him. His moan vibrated through her body, warming her skin. His hand cupped her breast and moved the lace aside. “I missed you, Gwen,” he said huskily.

  “Lance, we shouldn’t … I mean, Syd…”

  “This is between us … don’t worry … I want you…” He massaged her nipple until the traitorous bud hardened.

  “Ohm…” She was powerless to stop him, nor did she want to.

  Lance caressed her neck, running his fingers through her hair. His crystal blue eyes held hers, and he whispered, “Let’s move this to the bed.”

  Gwen rested her head against his shoulder, and he placed his arm und
erneath her long legs, lifting her. She was weak against the hunger that streaked through her. The way he touched her, looked at her as if she were a precious commodity. Despite Lance’s arrogance, Gwen saw his softer side in these tender moments. She let out a squeal as he lifted her. “Lance?”

  “Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” he reassured.

  I know, she thought. Lance was one of the few men she had met who could lift her with ease. He laid her gently on the bed before standing to unbuckle his belt, then the button on his slacks, letting his pants fall, revealing his glorious cock. He stepped forward and urged her beneath the covers. His hand coasted along the inside of her thigh, continuing up until he reached the juncture of her thighs. “Spread your legs.”

  She obeyed, weak with lust as he placed two fingers at her opening and ran them back and forth along her pussy. “You’re so wet. Is this for me?”

  Gwen didn’t deny it. “Yes,” she breathed.

  “Do you want them inside you?”


  “Beg me.”

  “Please.” She arched up to meet his fingers, not caring if she sounded needy. She ached for his touch.

  “Please what?”

  “Please put them inside me.”

  He immediately plunged his thick fingers inside her. She couldn’t stop the cry that escaped her lips. It was pure pleasure. Her heart seemed to rush to her G-spot. His touch turned from probing to soft and caressing as he built up the tension until it she teetered on the edge. His mouth took hers hungrily. He continued to wreak havoc on both sets of her lips until she clutched his big shoulders, feeling her impending climax. “Lance, I’m going to come,” she gasped.

  “Do you want to come like this, Gwen?”

  “I don’t care,” she panted.

  “Me either. Do it.”

  Lance kissed her hard as his fingers moved rapidly, deeper towards her center. When he lifted his head, she looked into his blue, blue eyes and saw a cunning gleam. He knew exactly what he did to her and was enjoying every moment. That intent knowledge pushed her over the edge, and her body trembled beneath his warm touch.


  Lance held Gwen as her orgasm subsided. He had never witnessed anything more beautiful. She was flushed, her emerald eyes smoldering with warmth. If he wasn’t mistaken, she looked ready to go another round. Who was he to leave a woman in such a state of want?